Configuring powersagitar/



    Page succeeded by project wiki.

    This is the configuration guide for powersagitar/

    To learn more about the project, please visit its repository hosted on GitHub.

    Creating a Notion Integration

    The site relies on a Notion integration to fetch data.

    To create one:

    Image from NotionImage from Notion
    Associated workspaceThe workspace you would like to keep the blog database in. The database properties are described in later sections.
    Image from Notion
    Internal Integration SecretThis will be notionApiKey
    Content CapabilitiesRead content
    User CapabilitiesNo user information
    Image from Notion

    Setting Up the Blog Database

    Create a Notion database with the following properties:


    The property names are case-sensitive.

    titleTitleTitle of the blog post.
    publishedDateDate of publication. Only posts that have a publication date prior to current date will be fetched. A 404 is returned otherwise.
    authorsTextAuthors of the blog post, if different from what you define later in site configuration.
    descriptionTextDescription of the blog post. Will be used as the meta description of the page.
    Image from Notion

    Install the integration you just created to the database.

    Please see Add connections to pages.

    Configuring the Site

    All configurations are in files under /config .



    Please remove the existing customPages from /config/notion.ts if you don’t intend to keep them.

    notionApiKeySecret of the Notion integration you created previously.
    notionDatabaseIdID of the blog database you created previously. For where to locate the value, please see Notion API Reference.
    cacheTtlTime-to-live of the cache in seconds. All database queries are cached. See /lib/notion/server.ts for details.
    customPages?Pages you want to make available that are not in the database. They will show up in the nav bar. Make sure you install the integration to these pages as well.


    url.protocolProtocol the site uses.
    url.hostnameHostname of the site.
    url.originOrigin of the site.
    metadata.authorDefault authorship information of site and posts.
    metadata.titleTitle of the site.
    metadata.descriptionDescription of the site.
    metadata.keywords?Keywords of the site.
    metadata.icons?Favicon of the site. Please see Next.js Docs for more information.
    githubRepository?GitHub repository where the source of this site resides.


    Please see this site to generate a favicon. Additional guidance is provided there.

    Suggest an Edit

    Please contact @powersagitar.